GAMIS TUNEECA Dress Enjoying the Palladium T-0717032

PRICE Rp 1.229.000 
Deskripsi Produk

Gamis Pesta branded Muslimah Tuneeca Dress Enjoying the Palladium T-0717032
 hadir menemani para muslimah tampil cantik dan elegan di setiap moment spesial. Didesign khusus dan sangat terbatas menjadikan Gaun cantik Tuneeca siap mempercantik style fashion para muslimah masa kini.

Rp 1.229.000 

Enjoying the Palladium


Dress Detail
Leather buttons accent,
Look three pieces,
Buttons and ploy on skirt. 

Back Detail

Color & Fabric
White street silky cotton,
Black dobby polycotton,
Yellow polycotton.

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cs : 0812.2949.3992

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